About the book, Bum Rap 
- Paperback: 334 pages
- Publisher: Thomas & Mercer (July 1, 2015)
NFL linebacker-turned-lawyer Jake Lassiter has had it with shifty clients, dirty prosecutors, and a legal system out of whack. It’s enough to make a man want to leave Miami and never look back—until he gets a call from Victoria Lord, the better half of hot local legal team Solomon & Lord. Her partner in life and law has been arrested for murder. What’s worse: the only person who can clear him has fled the city. Now it’s up to Jake and Victoria to track down the witness—a stunning “Bar girl”—before she’s roped in by the feds…or eliminated by the Russian mob.
Jake knows that if he doesn’t get to the witness first, his client’s case is lost. Luckily, he’s got some good advice from his college football coach: “Buckle your chin strap and hit somebody.” And sometimes, the only way to win a tough case is to do just that.
Buy, read, and discuss Bum Rap
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About the author, Paul Levine 
PAUL LEVINE worked as a newspaper reporter, a law professor and a trial lawyer before becoming a full-time novelist. His books have been translated into 23 languages; Levine has won the John D. MacDonald fiction award and has been nominated for an Edgar Allan Poe Award, the Macavity, the International Thriller Writers Award, the Shamus Award, and the James Thurber Humor Prize.
Connect with Paul
My Thoughts 
I haven’t read anything from Paul Levine in a while, though I reviewed Lassiter several years ago, but even so, I had no problem jumping back into his world – or worlds, really – this novel has Lassister joining forces with Levine’s other literary creation, the love & law partners Solomon and Lord, in order to prove that Solomon is innocent (not merely not-guilty) of a murder involving him being found in extremely incriminating circumstances.
As with all of Levine’s other work, there are a lot of details – businesses, local celebrities, landmarks, etc. – that are only really relevant to people who live in South Florida, but also present is his signature gritty style. Yes, his books are a bit violent, but when you’re dealing with “last chance Lassiter” and the Russian mafia, that violence is appropriate for the story and the characters.
One thing I especially liked about Bum Rap is Levine’s choice to alternate POVs: a third person point of view when chapters focus on Solomon and Lord, alternating with first person when the chapter was Lassiter-centric. I thought this convention worked really well, spotlighting all three characters in the way readers of both series are most used to.
If you like fast-paced, gritty, mystery/thrillers this novel is for you.
Goes well with rum & coke, and a juicy steak.
One winner in the U.S. or Canada will win a copy of Bum Rap. Contest runs through 11:59 PM U.S. Central time on July 7th, and notified by email on July 8th.
To enter:
Option 1) Leave a comment on this post and share the best piece of advice you’ve ever received.
Option 2) Find my post about this book on Twitter (@melysse) and retweet it.
Paul Levine’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS: 
Monday, June 29th: Books a la Mode
Wednesday, July 1st: Bell, Book & Candle
Thursday, July 2nd: Bibliotica
Friday, July 3rd: FictionZeal
Monday, July 6th: The World As I See It
Wednesday, July 8th: Griperang’s Bookmarks
Thursday, July 9th: Life is Story
Friday, July 10th: From the TBR Pile
Monday, July 13th: Book Dilettante
Monday, July 13th: Mockingbird Hill Cottage
Thursday, July 16th: Rhodes Review
Friday, July 17th: Kritter’s Ramblings
Monday, July 20th: Lilac Reviews
Tuesday, July 21st: Back Porchervations
Thursday, July 23rd: Vic’s Media Room
I enjoyed this captivating and intriguing post and feature. What a great novel and author. The best advice was many years ago and it still is true today. Persevere and believe in yourself.
I’m glad to see that you were able to step right back into this world even after being away so long. Thanks for being a part of the tour!
The best advice I ever got was to find something to make me happy and do it. Life is too short not to.
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