Everyone Worth Knowing

Everyone Worth Knowing

Lauren Weisburger

Everyone Worth Knowing was exactly what I needed to read in during December. I’d been on a book hiatus, not reading much of anything new for a couple of weeks, and then I’d started a new job, and needed light reading to pass the time during lunch (I’m determined NOT to get in the habit of expensive restaurant lunches), so when I saw that Lauren Weisberger (author of The Devil Wears Prada) had a new book out, I HAD to have it.

I was not disappointed. Targetting the PR industry instead of the publishing this industry, this time, Weisberger gives us quirky characters who could be people we actually know, too much coffee, and just enough trendy brand- and name- dropping to make even a soccer mom feel like she’s in the know.

I’m sending my copy off to a friend, and I can’t wait to hear what he thinks of it.